Manitowoc Mod SY0604A    

SD0422A   : Left bin and Wtr probe always turn on, then Ice probe (thickness probe) is blinking when water running over. When ice built up a bit water will pump spasm to build ice thicker until ice touching with thickness probe sensor and the ice probe will be solid and then Harvest light will turn on. ***Water is always full in the tray

Light lit on control board tell you it is working with that option. Problems are often such as ice probe (frozen enough), bin switch ( full ice).... To reset (trick): OFF/ICE (4 times). need read

After dump out the ice , lowside start new cycle at 60 Psi.Water probe+ left bin probe turn on, and then left bin only on. Lowside continue going down until reaches at 35 psi. Ice probe on 10mns before harv cycle on together.


Hoshimaki: KMWork Sequences KMTech Guide. Lowside [45_50 psi] for 404A